by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 8, Jun 2023 | Adventure With Purpose, All, Blog, Feedback from Participants and Clients, Open Enrolment Programmes, Partnership Programmes, Stories from Programmes
One of the most rewarding parts of this job is reading the feedback from participants, after they have finished one of our programmes. These quotes are from several different programmes over the last few months (Feb-May 2023). They are Level 2 Outcomes, which means...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 27, Apr 2023 | About Adventure Specialties Trust, Adventure With Purpose, All, Blog, Inspirational Quotes, Stories from Programmes
“Never before in human history have our brains had to process as much information as they do today. We have a generation of people who I call ‘computer suckers’ because they are spending so much time in front of a computer screen or on their mobile phones. They are so...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 22, Apr 2023 | Adventure With Purpose, All, Blog, Partnership Programmes, Stories from Programmes
“I took big deep breaths while the sun was beating down on me, slowly taking my energy. My legs would start to get sore, but words kept repeating in my head – Never Give Up.” QUOTES FROM 2009 JOURNEYS: 14 years ago, Adventure Specialties Trust was a bit smaller, but...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 30, Nov 2022 | About Adventure Specialties Trust, All, Blog, Inspirational Quotes
A reflection by Brian Knolles, chairperson of our Board of Trustees “Waking early I get out of bed knowing that the day will be busy. I’m on autopilot as I begin my morning routine. Sitting in my quiet place, I realise that I am tired and more than a little...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 14, Oct 2022 | All, Blog, Inspirational Quotes
“After a day’s walk, everything has twice its usual value.” – G. M. Trevelyan
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 22, Jul 2022 | About Adventure Specialties Trust, All, Blog
“There are three ways of trying to influence the young: There is persuasion, there is compulsion, and there is attraction. You can preach at them: that is a hook without a worm. You can say ‘you must volunteer’: that is of the devil. And you can tell them, ‘You are...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 14, Mar 2022 | All, Blog
“I am feeling so much better than I was before I started this course. A lot less anxious.” PARTICIPANTS’ FEEDBACK At the end of all our outdoor adventure programmes, we ask participants to give feedback about the programme answering questions like...