by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 17, Jun 2023 | Adventure With Purpose, All, Blog, Partnership Programmes, Stories from Programmes
Some stunning photos by Instructor April from a 3-day sea kayak trip with Rangiora College, Canterbury. April says, “We left from Cass Bay, stayed on Ōtamahua (Quail Island) for two nights, then paddled to Ripapa Island. Ripapa Island is tapu so you can’t...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 14, Mar 2022 | All, Blog
“This is an awesome programme, just right to get out of my comfort zone. It is very diverse, challenging people in different ways.” Our Christchurch branch has been running an Adventure Therapy “Inspire” programme for adults, one day a week...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 21, Aug 2021 | All, Blog
What is coasteering? When I first started working at Adventure Specialties, I had no idea what it was! I wasn’t even sure what the instructors were saying at first. Co-steering? Whaaaaa?!? Anyway, after asking around, looking at photos from our programmes, and...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 13, Aug 2021 | All, Blog
What happens when we take 10 students on a 10-day “Project K” journey through Karangahake Gorge, in the Waikato region of New Zealand? There’s fun and laughter, there’s team building activities, there are even a few goats! There are some tears,...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 6, Aug 2021 | All, Blog
One of the many stunning locations we travel to is the Central North Island. These photos are from a 4-day expedition with Kings College students, as part of their Duke of Edinburgh journeys. They hiked up to a peak on Mt Ruapehu, tented overnight above the clouds,...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 26, Jul 2021 | All, Blog
“I see people having difficulties in life, in this difficult time. My hope picked up, during in this programme. I made friends, I helped others and was helped in return. I felt encouraged on the way.” “This programme increased my patience and my understanding because...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 23, Jul 2021 | All, Blog
“Research shows that taking part in positive activities can help to improve young people’s engagement at school and to give young people an alternative to risky, antisocial behaviours.” This quote is from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), who fund...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 16, Jul 2021 | All, Blog
Do you know the story of Helen Keller? Born in Alabama, USA, in 1880, she lost her sight and hearing after a bout of illness at the age of nineteen months. She then communicated primarily using home signs until the age of seven when she met her first teacher and...