by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 5, Oct 2024 | About Adventure Specialties Trust, All, Blog, Staff Profiles
Congratulations to our CEO, Tim Wills, for being recognised as an Honorary Life Member at the NZOIA Excellence Awards last week! This award is awarded to a member who personifies the very best combination of an excellent instructor/guide, a high achieving personal...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 19, Dec 2023 | About Adventure Specialties Trust, All, Blog, Newsletter, Staff Profiles
[This message is copied from our Christmas newsletter. Read the rest of the newsletter here.] Meri Kirihimete! I hope this year has been a fulfilling one and now you have some time to relax and enjoy a slower pace. Our staff are looking forward to a well-deserved...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 20, Apr 2023 | About Adventure Specialties Trust, Adventure Therapy, All, Blog, Media, Staff Profiles
Our CEO is famous! Tim Wills stars in a recent article titled ‘How outdoor adventure is a key tool for tackling our mental health crisis’.Read the article on the website, or keep reading for the copy-and-paste version below: How...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 17, Dec 2021 | All, Blog
Christmas Message It is the end of a very strange year. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported us this year, whether financially or through your words of encouragement and prayer. A huge thank you to the staff at Adventure Specialties Trust for...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 22, Nov 2021 | All, Blog
Another update from Tim, our CEO:⠀ ⠀As New Zealand prepares to move into the “traffic light” system, I thought I would give you another update as to how we are getting on. ⠀⠀Well, firstly, good news!! ⠀⠀> AUCKLAND⠀⠀We had our first Auckland programmes back up and...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 26, Aug 2021 | All, Blog
A message from Tim, our CEO: “I just want to touch base with our supporters: I hope and pray that you are all well during our current lockdown situation. I also wanted to let you know that Adventure Specialties Trust is doing ok, although we can’t wait to...