by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 20, Jun 2023 | Adventure With Purpose, All, Blog, Partnership Programmes, Stories from Programmes
Below are a selection of photos from a recent Kings College programme in the Central North Island (CNI) Photos taken by Instructor Nathalie – thanks Nat!
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 28, Sep 2022 | Adventure With Purpose, All, Blog, Stories from Programmes
“Massey High School Sports Department and Adventure Specialties Trust were able to obtain funding from Tū Manawa this year to take some of our junior girls on different outdoor activities, this was very successful and we saw growth in those who completed the...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 18, May 2022 | Adventure With Purpose, All, Blog, Stories from Programmes
Some students from St Thomas of Canterbury College were struggling to carry this double kayak from the beach up to the vehicle, so other students went back to help. April, the instructor, took this photo because “I thought it was creative, the way they decided...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 19, Jul 2021 | All, Blog
Do you have a support crew who encourage you up the hills in your life? During our outdoor adventure programmes, we use hills that we climb as a metaphor, to talk with the participants about the importance of relationships. We ask them who is in their support system,...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 14, May 2021 | All, Blog
We regularly partner with local schools and this glowing feedback (below) is from a teacher at a college in Auckland. These students were identified as having struggles with their teachers, challenges at home and challenges with each other. “We hoped the boys might...