by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 20, Jul 2023 | Adventure With Purpose, All, Blog, Partnership Programmes, Stories from Programmes
THANK YOU RECREATION AOTEAROA! For funding some amazing programmes over the last few months: Big Brother Big Sister and Upside Youth Mentoring in Auckland, plus Active Muslim Explorers Camp and Big Brother Big Sister in Christchurch.
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 3, Jul 2023 | All, Blog, Partnership Programmes, Stories from Programmes
A huge THANK YOU to Henderson-Massey Local Board who granted us funding to purchase some new PFDs (life jackets) which were used the very next day after they arrived in the office! We took a group called “Mums on the Move” out kayaking with Instructor...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 13, Jun 2022 | About Adventure Specialties Trust, All, Blog
A HUGE thank you to The Lion Foundation (@thelionfoundationnz) for their support in helping us purchase some new outdoor clothing. When we are able to supply outdoor adventure clothing and equipment to all our programme participants, it allows more people to come on...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 9, Feb 2022 | All, Blog
“Harmony loved the Recreate camp. You may not have been aware but it has been a struggle to get Harmony’s anxiety low enough to attend. Due to [her friend] also going, and his encouragement, she finally made it and had the best time. She now wants to sign...
by Bex | Adventure Specialties Trust | 26, Jul 2021 | All, Blog
We are a not-for-profit charity, and one of the reasons that we have been able to operate and grow over the last 37 years is because of the generous donations and financial support from different people and organisations throughout New Zealand. We don’t say it...