

Our Christian Identity

 Adventure Specialties Trust’s uniqueness is that, at our core, we are a Christian, faith-based organisation. Faith is a central value. It informs how we experience and see the world, the people we journey with and the Creation we partner with.

Adventure Specialties Trust was founded on the vision of Lyndsay and Glenda Simpkin. They believed that everyone should have access to the ‘hope’ found in the life-changing value of outdoor adventure, and the transformative power that being in nature can bring. This ‘hope’ was based on the belief that, through the natural world and the challenge of adventure, people can connect with a deeper sense of purpose, a deeper sense of meaning and with God.

This theme continues today, with Adventure Specialties Trust being a non-denominational organisation firmly based upon the Christian message and the teachings of Jesus, which emphasize love and care for all.



Faith in Action

We are guided by the Christian message of Good News and a desire to make a positive difference in the world. We seek to care for Creation. We seek to bring hope and opportunity to all people, regardless of background or circumstances. We strive to create supportive ‘temporary communities’ where everyone is valued and where learning and growth are possible. 

We have a genuine interest and care for people. We work with the belief that nature, while being both beautiful and challenging, can also be an active and inspiring participant in our wellbeing.  We also believe that adventurous activities in such an environment can be a catalyst for personal development and change. We encourage conversations about faith or spirituality and we see the outdoors as a powerful way for people to connect with God, with our wairua [spirituality] and with each other



Theology of Adventure

“I have come that you may have life and life in all its fullness” (John 10:10)

Ultimately, Adventure Specialties Trust’s theology is one of genuine care. It is our belief that working together with aroha and compassion to embrace the opportunities that outdoor adventures can provide, means everyone can experience a transformative power that can bring hauora [wellbeing] to our broken world.

The work we do through hiking, biking, climbing and paddling in the beautiful and challenging natural world of Aotearoa creates an environment that allows people to reflect on their lives and choices. Outdoor adventure activities provide a platform to explore healthy risk-taking, meaningful teamwork, real leadership, authentic confidence building and personal choices.

By definition, adventures are physically challenging, but there is more to it than just the physical challenge. To that end, it is the tools of our trade (such as the bikes, kayaks, ropes, backpacks and skilled instructors/facilitators) that enable us to bring our theology alive.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech; they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 19:1-4)

Working at Adventure Specialties Trust

Working at Adventure Specialties Trust requires an understanding and acceptance that the Christian worldview is central to our work. Not all staff may profess to have a practising Christian faith, but regardless of their personal beliefs, ideologies, or background they will resonate with the following:

  • Have a genuine interest in and care for people,
  • Work with the belief that nature can be both beautiful and challenging, and can be used for healing, learning and inspiring,
  • Have a love of outdoor adventures and the challenge of the New Zealand wilderness,
  • Understand that the outdoors can be a powerful way for people to connect with God, wairua and with each other.



The Bottom Line

Adventure Specialties Trust is a non-profit, charitable organisation.

We are proud of our Christian heritage, its values, and the hope that it brings.

 We are dedicated to providing quality outdoor adventure experiences to anyone, no matter what their beliefs. Our organisation believes in the power of prayer and the Good News story, as represented by the Christian gospels.

The heart and soul of our work is rooted in this belief and outworked through the medium of adventure.  Our mahi [work] is founded on the conviction that everyone should have the opportunity to safely participate in potentially life-changing adventures, facilitated by people who care about them reaching their potential.

“I have come so that you may have life and have it in all its fullness.”

— Jesus (John 10:10)