Congrats to our instructors on their Bush 1 qualification

CONGRATS to our instructors (Isaac, Nat, Oli and Anna S) who have just passed the 3-day NZOIA Bush 1 qualification last week!

Contrary to the name, “Bush 1” is not an easy or entry-level qualification. It is very a challenging assessment that includes off-track hiking, navigation, bird and tree identification, fire lighting, shelter building and a day of instructing and working with a group of participants.

The 4 instructors spent weeks studying for the practical and theoretical tests (plus some have also spent years beforehand, gaining personal experience during their own bush-crashing adventures)

Isaac said afterwards, “The most challenging part was the huge amount of study and prep that we had to do leading up to the assessment. But the most satisfying part was having all that hard work pay off. It was very nice doing this assessment with a group of friends; we were all on the same page, all doing lots of study and prep leading up to this.”

Find out more about NZOIA qualifications on the NZOIA website.

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